
The Census of Population and Housing (CPH) is the most comprehensive and reliable national data resource that provides critical input into national development planning and programmes. The Census further provides data to measure the impact of various development programmes embarked on by Governments, NGOs and other stakeholders in Zambia. The data requirements to monitor national development programmes ,the Vision 2030 and international obligations such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can primarily be provided by a census.

Zambia has  so far conducted six censuses  and these are in 1969, 1980, 1990, 2000 ,2010 and 2022

Legal Basis for the Census

A Census is the primary source of information about the population of a country and is carried out every 10 years at a minimum. The Zambia Statistics Agency is mandated through the Statistics Act No.13 of 2018 of Laws of Zambia, under section 7(2)(h) to conduct the census of population and housing every ten years. Further in accordance with section 22 of the Act ,

Census Objectives

The main objectives of the 2022 Census were:

  • To provide accurate and reliable information on the size, composition and distribution of the population of Zambia at all Ward, Constituency, District and Provincial levels;
  • To provide information on the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population of Zambia;
  • To provide an accurate sampling frame for future inter-censal household and population based surveys;
  • To generate statistics on small areas and small population groups with no/minimum sampling errors; and
  • To provide a benchmark for research and analysis, particularly for population projection


Zambia has  so far conducted six censuses  and these are in 1969, 1980, 1990, 2000 ,2010 and 2022

Zambia conducted her first E-census in 2022. This was the sixth National Census of Population and Housing conducted in Zambia since independence in 1964. The Census was launched by His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zambia Mr. Hakainde Hichilema on 17th August, 2022. The census enumeration started on the 18th of August 2022 with Census enumerators going out visiting all buildings in Zambia whether completed, incomplete, abandoned, habitable and inhabitable for the purpose of identifying characteristics of all buildings and households. All persons who lived in the buildings as well as those that lived in open spaces as households were counted.


The 2010 Census of Population and Housing marked the fifth national population census that Zambia has successfully conducted since independence in 1964. It took place from October 16th to November 15th, 2010, with complete enumeration in all parts of the country accomplished by November 30th, 2010.

Prior to the 2010 Census undertaking, a comprehensive mapping exercise was conducted. The mapping strategy for 2010 census was Geographical Information System (GIS) driven and involved the use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) and satellite imagery. The GPS was used to map rural areas while the urban areas were mapped using high resolution satellite imagery. The 2010 Census used a single questionnaire to capture individuals, household and housing characteristics from the population.

The field staff included about 25,000 school leavers who worked as Census Enumerators and about 8,400 Census Supervisors who were mostly teachers and other civil servants. Four hundred civil servants from various government departments and ministries worked as Master Trainers, Assistant Master Trainers and Provincial Census Officers.

A total of 3.2 million questionnaires were used to collect data from every individual and household covered during the census. Data capture and processing of the questionnaires used Optical Mark Reading (OMR) and Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) technology. By using OMR and ICR technologies, the data capture process becomes more efficient and faster compared to manual data entry methods. These technologies automate the extraction of information from forms, reducing the time and effort required for data processing.

  • Total Population: 13,092,666
  • Male: 6,454,647
  • Female: 6,638,019
  • Population growth rate 2000 – 2010: 2.8
  • Population Density: 17.4
  • Median Age: 16.9
  • Overall Age Dependency Ratio: 92.5
  • Number of Households: 2,513,768
  • Average Household Size: 5.2
  • Number of Housing units: 1,768,287
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 51.2 years
  • Total Fertility Rate: 5.9
  • Crude Birth Rate: 35.0

The Census of Population and Housing was carried out for four weeks from 16th October to 15th November, 2000. This census date was 25th October 2000. The main objective of the census was to determine the size of the population, its composition and distribution, levels and trends of fertility, mortality, information on housing, economic activity and migration. This was the fourth census in the history of census undertaking in Zambia. The other three censuses were carried out in 1969, 1980 and 1990.

The 2000 census was preceded by a mapping exercise to update the maps in readiness for the census. The mapping exercise was launched in 1998. A pilot census was also conducted in order to test the data collection instruments and computer data capturing system. The 2000 Census was using scannable questionnaires for the first time and such a pilot census was key to the procedures for collecting and entering data into the computer. Following the census, an evaluation exercise called the Post Enumeration Survey (PES) was conducted in order to assess the quality of the census.

The Census enumeration was conducted by a team of about 30,000 staff. The census operations were undertaken with the use of Grade 11 pupils as enumerators and primary school teachers as supervisors. Professionals from within Central Statistical Office (CSO) and other Government Departments were recruited as Master Trainers.

  • Total Population: 9,885,591
  • Male: 4,946,298
  • Female: 4,939,293
  • Population growth rate 1990-2000: 2.4
  • Population Density: 13.1
  • Median Age: 17.0
  • Overall Age Dependency Ratio: 96.2
  • Number of Households: 1,884,741
  • Average Household Size: 5.0
  • Number of Housing units: 1,768,287
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 50 years
  • Total Fertility Rate: 6.0
  • Crude Birth Rate: 36.0

The 1990 Census of Population, Housing and Agriculture was the third national population census that Zambia conducted since independence in 1964. It took place from 20th August to 5th September, 1990. The Census was carried out under the provisions of the Census and Statistics Act Cap.425 of the Laws of Zambia.

A comprehensive mapping was done in preparation for the 1990 Census. The mapping exercise commenced in 1987 and was completed to the 1990. The mapping was done by a mapper and an Assistant Mapper. A Mapper had a prismatic campus for taking bearing and a bicycle that was fitted with Myrometers for determining distance. Readings on the prismatic campus and Myrometer were recorded in the note book which at the end of the day were manually plotted as features such as points and lines representing, for example, villages, building and roads, footpath, motorable tracks among others.

The 1990 Census used one questionnaire for data capture.

The field staff included Form IV and Form V pupils who worked as Enumerators, primary and secondary school teachers who worked as Supervisors and the Central Statistical Office staff who worked as master trainers/technical staff.

Data capturing for the 1990 Census involved manual editing and coding. books. All the questionnaires were manually entered by Data Entry Operators. Data processing was conducted using IMPS and SPSS software.

  • Total Population: 7,383,097
  • Male:  3,617,577
  • Female: 3,765,520
  • Population growth rate 2000 – 2010: 2.7
  • Population Density: 9.8
  • Overall Age Dependency Ratio: 92.1
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 47
  • Total Fertility Rate: 6.7

The 1980 Census of Population and Housing marked the second national population census that Zambia conducted since independence in 1964. It took place from 25th August to 7th September, 1980. The Census was carried out under the provisions of the Census and Statistics Act Cap.425 of the Laws of Zambia.

Prior to the 1980 Census undertaking, a mapping exercise was conducted to subdivide the Poling Districts which were, till that time, used as enumeration areas. The mapping was done by a mapper and an Assistant Mapper. These recorded details of all settlements of the population, including size, and all physical features, prominent buildings and other features potentially useful for identification of boundaries by use of milometers and prismatic compasses to record distances and positions of features respectively.

Two types of questionnaires were used in the 1980 Census; Form A and Form B. Form A was used in urban areas and some selected rural areas, and Form B (Long questionnaire) was used in rural areas.

The field staff included Form IV and Form V pupils who worked as Enumerators, primary school teachers who worked as Team Leaders, secondary school teachers who worked as Supervisors and Senior members of staff from the Central Statistical Office who worked as Senior Supervisors.

Data capturing for the 1980 Census involved manual editing, coding and checking of census books. All the questionnaires were manually entered by Data Entry Operators. The statistical packages used for data processing included CONSENTS, CONCOR and SPSS.

  • Total Population: 5,661,801
  • Male:  2,769,995
  • Female: 2,891,806
  • Population growth rate 2000 – 2010: 3.1
  • Population Density: 7.8
  • Overall Age Dependency Ratio: 110.2
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 52
  • Total Fertility Rate: 7.2