The Social Statistics Division forms the core of the Zambia Statistics Agency (ZamStats) for it houses the Census of Population and Housing which is the largest undertaking carried out by the office. The Division has three (3) branches namely:
The Population and Demography Branch is responsible for conducting the census of population and housing that provides s o c i o – e c o n o m i c and demographic information up to the lowest administrative levels. The Branch is also responsible for undertaking surveys such as Zambia Demographic and Health Survey (ZDHS), Zambia Population-Based HIV Impact Assessment (ZAMPHIA), Migration Profile, Vital Statistics, among others.
The Labour Statistics Branch is responsible for production of Labour force size, growth, composition and distribution. It also produces employment, unemployment and underemployment statistics through the Labour Force Survey that is conducted quarterly. The Branch maintains the Central Register of Business E s t a b l i s h m e n t s which forms the main sampling frame for establishment based surveys such as the Quarterly Employment and Earnings Inquiry.
Geographic Information System Branch comprises HQ and provincial staff whose duties include field mapping, a process through which geographic data is collected across the country using appropriate tools and equipment. The Branch was created for the purpose of designing and producing census maps to use during census and survey data collection. It also provides the frame for all other household based surveys (HHS) conducted by the Agency, Sector ministries, researchers and other organizations. The maps are meant to guide enumerators during data collection to ensure that they completely cover their areas of assignment.
The Dissemination branch produces periodic publications such as “The Monthly Bulletin”, Selected Socio-economic Indicators, and Zambia in figures. The branch also provides consultancy services to researchers and individuals. Further the branch offers adhoc surveys (both quantitative and qualitative), upon request, in collaboration with the requesting institution.
The branch has the following units;
Library Unit
While the unit has a collection of new and old statistical publications both from ZamStats and other producers of statistics. The library promotes statistical literacy in users of statistics. It also disseminates statistical information to the general public and encourage them to make decisions on an informed mind.
Printing Unit
This unit is responsible for printing all statistical materials produced by various branches and units under ZamStats.
Desktop Publishing Unit
This unit is in charge of formatting of all statistical reports in readiness for printing.
The Gender unit produces the Gender Status report and the Men and Women booklet. Additionally, the unit also undertakes research and offers consultancy activities in management and analysis of gender disaggregated data.
The Coordination unit facilitates for the development and coordination of the National Statistical System (NSS) in collection, production, analysis and dissemination of statistic, among other functions.
The branch collects various types of data on Agriculture through the following surveys;
i. Crop Forecasting Survey (CFS)
Working in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture. Zamstats annually conducts the CFS. The results of the Crop Forecasting Survey are disseminated to the general public in May at the beginning of the Agriculture Marketing Season. The following information is collected from the agricultural households:
ii. Post Harvest Surveys (PHS)
The Post Harvest Survey is undertaken at the end of each Agriculture Season. The results of the Survey complement the results obtained from the Crop Forecasting Survey (CFS). The Post Harvest Survey results usually act as confirmatory to results obtained during the Crop Forecasting Survey.
Data collected in the Post Harvest Survey include the following:
iii. Census of Agriculture
The last Agriculture Census undertaken by was in between 1991 and 1992 with the assistance of Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) experts. It is the intention of ZAMSTATS to undertake another Agriculture Census next year in 2024. Considering the magnitude of the exercise, the Census of Agriculture is usually done on sample basis. this is due to high costs involved in covering Agricultural households on 100 percent basis.
The branch collects various types of data on the environment. The following themes are supposed to be assessed with the collection of environment data. These themes are as follows:
The Environment Branch has concentrated on collecting information on Energy and Fish catch Surveys (from 14 water bodies).
The Economic and Financial Statistics Division consists of six branches namely: National Accounts, Prices and Consumption Studies, Living Conditions Monitoring, Public Finance, External Trade and Industrial Production. Several macroeconomic indices are produced by the Division.
The National Accounts Branch is responsible for computing Gross Domestic Product, which is the yardstick for measuring economic performance of the country. Other aggregates produced are Gross National Income, Gross Disposable Income, and Gross Saving.
The Prices and Consumption Studies Branch is responsible for producing the Consumer Price Index, used to gauge the changes in the general price levels of goods and services in the country.
The Living Conditions Monitoring Branch conducts the Living Conditions Monitoring Survey used to measure the poverty levels and the general socioeconomic welfare of households in the country.
The Public Finance Branch is responsible for production of Government Financial Statistics as well as other financial statistics of the public sector.
The External Trade Branch is responsible for compilation and analysis of the Merchandise Trade Statistics between Zambia and the rest of the world.
The Industrial Production Branch is responsible for the compilation of the Index of Industrial Production used to gauge the quarterly performance of the Mining, Manufacturing and Electricity industries