NSS Coordination Mechanisms

Statistical coordination or integration is such an important strategic issue to the functioning of the NSS that it is explicitly provided for in the Statistics Act No. 13 of 2018. The title of the Statistics Act states, “An Act to establish an integrated National Statistical System; provide for mechanisms for coordination, collection, management and dissemination of statistics …..”. Statistical coordination is essential to achieve mutual support and synergy among data producers, avoid duplication of effort and production of conflicting data, rationalize use of available resources for statistics and achieve data quality. It is, therefore, critical that the NSS is well-coordinated. The following table presents desired coordination of the NSS.

Desired coordination and collaboration in the NSS

Type of  coordination

Expected  achievement

Coordination  among data producers

There should be technical coordination ensuring that data from different sources are consistent and comparable. This can partly be achieved through:

·        System-wise adoption of standardised concepts, definitions and classifications. 

·        Development and implementation of an annual National Statistical Programme

Coordination  between  data  users and producers

This form of coordination aims at mainstreaming users in the NSS so that they can play proactive and critical roles in the development of the NSS.   

Coordination/collaboration between data producers and  data suppliers

 Data suppliers may be under statutory obligation to supply needed information for statistical purposes. However, there are increasing non-responses to statistical enquiries, especially among establishments. Appropriate arrangements should, therefore, be made to guide appropriate relations with respondents to enquiries.

 Coordination between data  producers and research  and training institutions

 This type of collaboration is critical to ensure that the NSS is supplied with trained statistical personnel and that more in-depth   definitive analyses of statistical data can be done, leading to evidence-based policies and decision-making. This also helps in identification of training needs for the NSS.

Design statistical coordination tools

In addition to mechanisms and structures, statistical coordination requires design and promotion of coordination tools across the NSS to support production of comparable data over time and between sources. The following tools will be developed and promoted:

  • Code of Practice. As mentioned earlier, this tool will be needed to ensure that trustworthy statistics are produced across the NSS;
  • Compendium of Main Concepts, Definitions and Classifications. While this was developed, it was partially used by ZamStats and essentially not used across the NSS. This compendium will be revised and vigorously promoted at ZamStats and across the NSS.
  • National Data Quality Assurance FrameworkThis framework will be developed as per the recommendation of the UN Statistical |Commission in 2012 to assure production of quality data;
  • Annual National Statistical Programme. As mentioned earlier, this programme will aim to harmonize statistical production across the NSS.
  • NSS Newsletter. This will be established to foster communication in the NSS and may be distributed electronically to cut down on distribution cost.

Coordination mechanisms developed by ZamStats so far include:

  • Code of Practice
  • Official Statistics Seal
  • Compendium of Concepts and Definitions for the National Statistical System
  • Annual Statistics Report
  • STAC-Statistics in Action Course